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13'2 STOCKY 8 Yr old gelding for experienced adult or teen in Plymouth



Hardest ad to ever write
My boy is for sale due to my poor health & no fault of his own.
Key Info:
13'2 Heinz 57 Pony (vet reckons cob with possible connie)
STOCKYHolds the leg well.
8 years old (I have owned from a foal)
HE IS Passported/microchipped/jabs
Back & teeth up to date.
Good Points
Been riding since 4years old. Before this he would be led from the ground on lane rides with other horses & has had spent months of ground work in early life. Began riding career as a lead rein. Will ride first or last. Snaffle mouth.
Been on many fun rides including the beach, shows, he did not put a foot wrong! Trainer took him on his first fun ride. Lunges beautifully. He is voice trained.
Good in traffic/with gates. Loads & travels well in company. Perfect for the farrier,vet,dentist etc.
Had many lessons & worked with 2 reputable trainer's. Real GOOD DOER. And very stocky. A little Tank.
LIVES out but can be stabled, turnout with Mares or geldings. Loves bridle paths & lane rides.
Bad points
If stabled be prepared for him to be more cheeky and forward.
Travels alone but will stomp his feet & sweat. Prefers company.
Even with loads of groundwork desensitising, always be wary of his behind ONLY IF he is startled.
He is forward & not a kickalong. Although he is good on lead rein he is not a first pony or novice ride. Spent years hacking lanes & bridlepaths, that moving to the moors for the first time last year, & seeing loose animals everywhere proved to be very exciting for him. So he can be fresh in open spaces & will throw some big bucks! Also on the way home, he sometimes gets hot and excited making him throw shapes to. This has been reflected on my price. I will go into more detail with potential buyers. His back has been seen by physio, osteo and saddler. All is fine. If you are not prepared to ride this boy min 3 times a week, then he is not the pony for you. He needs consistency. He is 8 but thinks he is still 4 mentally.
Fitted saddle & some wardrobe included
Fit and ready to progress. Perfect winter project. £1650 ONO

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