
Adorable 11.1 gelding in Cambridge


Jake is a registered Welsh part bred 11.1 4 year old.
He's a lovely boy but unfortunately we just don't have the time for him.
He's been broken in by ourselfs and is happily riding away in walk and trot, hacking round the block and has poped a little x pole but he is by no means a first ridden, he's green and needs more miles.
He's never nasty or naughty just needs more education. He's been ridden by my little ones on the lead rein and is used to being handled by children a busy yard and dogs.
He's pass ported, good to travel and good for his feet.
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Pet age: 4 Years
Passport present: 
Will be microchipped: 
Posted: 6 weeks ago
Ad ID: 40304310
Lucie Chapman
Posting for 7+ years
Jul 2017
Response rate
  • Phone verified

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