
Red eyed pale yellow baby budgie 8 weeks old in Eye


Handtame Baby budgies
8 weeks old
Held daily so super tame when they go to new homes once fully weened.

Fed on a variety of food, quality seed mix, fruit and vegetables, millet sprays, iodine blocks, himilayan salt rocks, cuttlefish, soaked wheat, egg food, calcium blocks, meal worms, dried red chillies, boiled eggs.
Supplemented with calcium, vitamins and iodine drops
I use preventatives against mites, fleas and lice.

I have other birds available if you would like to message me for more details or check out my Facebook page- Kevin the kakariki and friends
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Pet age: 11 Weeks
Posted: 2 weeks ago
Ad ID: 40361977
jade proctor
Posting for 3+ years
Jun 2021
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