Silly tame and playful well trained Blue and Gold Female in Southampton

Silly tame and playful well trained Blue and Gold Female in Southampton

I feel like I've failed writing this. I have owned parrots for 14 years and have never sold or rehomed one untill now. Due to my own financial situation I have to sell Inca. I moved to Spain with her and my other animals a couple years ago and after a failed renewal due to a paper work error I had to return with short notice. I'm still having to pay mortgage in Spain and now renting back here in Southampton and I can't earn enough to make it viable.
Inca is incredible and I've put so much time and effort into training with her. As the pictures show she's incredible with me and everyone once she warms to you. She steps up and is comfortable on the hand and shoulder she responds to verbal ques and will answer questions. She goes to bed when told to and gets on great with the other members in my flock. I truly love her and I would love to keep up to date with her and of course buy her back should anything go wrong.
She's in perfect health and has been to the vets for her transport documentation. She has a blown air sac but it's believed to be from a youngster as it's completely healed and dosnt effect her in any way. I have videos of her flying in my flight enclosure in Spain no problem.
She's okay meeting new people and will step up onto my friends when visiting but takes a few mins to warm up to them to be properly handled. My pet sitter is female and visits a couple times a day if I'm working long hours. She also looked after all my birds for 3 weeks when I went to Spain initially to get the house ready for them. Inca initially didn't like my pet sitter however after 4 days treated her just like me and was just as cuddly and effectionate.
In the almost 3 years I've had her she's never bitten anyone other than me during training excersizes and that's my own fault as I would see her boundaries. She playfully nips when on her back and stuff but she will say ouch or hey if she thinks she's biting too hard. Considering I have her and an umbrella cockatoo my hands and arms are clear.
She's very entertaining and comical she says
Hello, goodbye, goodgirl, thankyou, can I have a kiss, love you, shut up (she says this mostly when my other birds are being loud) cut it out, get down, enough, be a good girl, fucking parrot, silly bird, silly goose, doggy doggy woof woof, be scary (and then says raaa) heyyyyyy, no , ouch, I've just got over a chest infection so she now sneezes and coughs to take the Mikey too.
I don't want to sell her but feel I need to so I can get back on my feet. She won't go to just anyone and meeting you and you meeting her is essential for me to know it's the right thing. She is truly special her previous owners to me are also still involved in her life and I'd love to keep that promise to them as it's only fair.
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