
Puppies & Dogs For Sale

  • Two left ready to go Chocolate & Black Female puppies ready now.
    Crewe, Cheshire
    Puppy age: 8 Weeks
    Quality chocolate & black female labrador puppies. Substantial, confident very well socialised girls, raised on a family rural property. Used to all household noises and have been allowed the freedom to roam and explore around our property. Health checked and microchipped... More >>
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  • Chihuahua Puppies reduced to 600
    Winsford, Cheshire
    Puppy age: 10 Weeks
    Delighted with this wonderful mixed litter of long haired, teddy bear faces Thai & Russian bred Chihuahua puppies. Their mother who we bred ourselves is the most to beautiful natured, confident character that is incredibly loving. Super inquisitive and her personality has... More >>
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  • Pomskie teddy bear puppies for sale
    Staplehurst, Kent
    Puppy age: 10 Weeks
    Stunning Pomskie puppies girls and boys mixed colours including cream, sable, fawn and some with blue eyes and white mask non moulting long and fluffy coated. Wormed and flea treatment up to date . very playful and friendly raised in a family home with all the love and... More >>
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Which size of breed are you looking for?

    Which type of dog are you looking for?

    Be petwise
    • Must be over 8 weeks old
    • Visit the puppy with its mum
      before paying a deposit
    • Microchipped
    • No imported puppies

     About Puppies & Dogs

    Introducing a new dog into your home is a big decision but one that can really improve family life and your lifestyle. The puppies for sale below are all ready to be introduced to your home, while the dogs for sale are simply looking for a new start. Browse through freeads classifieds seller listings and find your perfect companion for life.