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Cane corso in Oxford


Due to no fault of his own I am having to re home our boy Blake's due to having a newborn and not being able to care for Blake's as well.. he is very shy around new people but once he comes out of his shell he is a very gentle loving little boy he is going to be an amazing dog, he knows how to sit and give paw he is also toilet trained will need some training etc but he can be easily taught he loves teddys and anyone who will take some time to play with him honestly he's like a little baby this is going to be very sad to part so I only want him to go to a loving home. any questions feel free to ask please no time wasters Read more

 PetSafe Deposit
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Puppy age: 7 Months
Puppies in litter:
1 Boy
Will be microchipped: 
Cane Corsos
Breed Size: XL
Breed Type: Utility
Posted:  New
Ad ID: 40241889
  • Must be over 8 weeks old
  • Visit the puppy with its mum
    before paying a deposit
  • Microchipped & vet checked
  • No imported puppies

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Guide to rehoming

Rehoming a new pet is a lifetime commitment. Make sure you make the right choice with advice from the Pets Advertising Advisory Group.
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