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Dachshund for sale in Blackburn


I am having to sell my 10 week old Dachshund as my son has had an allergic reaction and the only new thing in the house is Ozzy. We brought him home two weeks ago. He is light brown in colour with slight Merle on his back. He is up to date with his injections and is microchipped. He is almost fully toilet trained and loves attention. He is amazing with kids of all ages.

He will come with food, bed, crate, blanket, toys, water/food bowl, lead, collar, coat.

We want to do this whilst he is still young before bonds are fully made and it becomes too much for him. This is not something I am doing lightly as I don't believe in buying pets to sell them but my son's health does have to come first.

I only want the best home for Ozzy so won't be going to just anyone I'm afraid.

We paid £1200 for him
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Puppy age: 3 Months
Puppies in litter:
1 Boy
Will be microchipped: 
Breed Size: Small
Breed Type: Hound
Posted: 3 weeks ago
Ad ID: 40175299
  • Must be over 8 weeks old
  • Visit the puppy with its mum
    before paying a deposit
  • Microchipped & vet checked
  • No imported puppies

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Posting for 4+ years
  • Phone verified

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Rehoming a new pet is a lifetime commitment. Make sure you make the right choice with advice from the Pets Advertising Advisory Group.
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