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French bulldog female adult in Stourbridge


Meet Simba, the most loyal, and well trained little girl you'll ever meet. The biggest personality whom hates rain! And the cold! But will forever be your companion. I've had Simba since she was a pup, brought up on army barracks, now 4 years later I'm on a new deployment and it's not fair leaving her with friends because friends who I can trust are quickly running out. Simba now has trauma to her ear, which with vets help can come back to fill pinged up, this is due to leaving her with a friend on my last deployment. I cannot go through that again nor is it fair on my fury little girl. Please don't take this as an easy thing to do. She won't sit down on a cold floor trust me to say she will find something she walks without lead and whistle recall! She will have you with forever laughter. And I will forever love Simba. So please only message me if you can prove you will love her like I do and give her an amazing rest of her life. She is family. She isn't a pet.
I believe she loves children more than dogs but amazing with all animals. Even though she is four she is a playful pup.
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Pet age: 4 Years
Gender: Female
Will be microchipped: 
Breed Size: Small
Breed Type: Utility
Posted: 5 weeks ago
Ad ID: 40162037
Posting for 1+ month
  • Phone verified

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