Nationwide Mobile BAER Screening and Microchipping by Perdita's Pet Services Ltd in Preston
Nationwide Mobile BAER Screening and Microchipping by Perdita's Pet Services Ltd in Preston
Here at Perdita's Pet Services Ltd, we offer a range of services surrounding your pet's needs. Our current main focus is Nationwide Mobile BAER Screening (and Microchipping).
What is BAER Screening? Brainstem Auditory Evoke Response (BAER) Screening is a method of screening a puppy's hearing. The specialised machine we use collects information being passed from the cochlear to the brain when sounds are present. The information collected by the machine is then illustrated on the built-in screen which indicates levels of response within a wave graph.
BAER Screening is an important technique of determining if your puppies can hear or not at the age of screening (research shows that this can change over time, but we offer retests for cases where hearing is deemed to have been deteriorating). Not only is this important for peace of mind for your puppies new families, but it is vital to determine the hearing levels of a dog if he/she will be homed and used for breeding and/or working purposes.
Breeds that are prone to deafness and require BAER Screening:
Bull Terriers (Miniature included)
Old English Sheepdogs
Border Collies
English Setters
Some French Bulldogs
Many other breeds too
Additionally, Cats and Ferrets can require BAER Screening.
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