Lionhead cross rabbit babies in Ashton-Under-Lyne

Lionhead cross rabbit babies in Ashton-Under-Lyne

We have available 2 lionhead cross babies.
Beginning of October me and my sister took in two rabbits that had been abandoned in a box in a field.
My sister took in the male and I took in the female.
In november mum gave birth to 4 babies.
There is
Blue split female
Harli Female
They are 10 weeks old now and ready to go to good homes.
Due to mum now being a house as my pet the babies are INDOOR Rabbits at the moment too
Mum is Double Mane Lionhead
Dad is Lop Cross
Dad is ever slightly bigger than mum but both rabbits are silmar size to Mini Lop Rabbit
Picture of mum and dad are in this advert
Babie will come with nothing but a little bag of change over food.
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Pet age: 3 Months
Gender: Mixed litter
3 weeks ago
Ad ID: 40354996

Must be over 8 weeks old
Provide a large hutch and
adequate spaceRabbits need company,
don't rehome aloneConsider adopting

Posting for 5+ years
Sold: 1

Oct 2019Response rate
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