Checklist for Planning for Your Retirement in Southwark

You can decide to retire at any age, but it takes some planning to get there in top financial shape.
Whether in your 20s or 60s, we have helpful tips for helping you financially prepare for the future.
We won't tell you how much you should save - everyone's monthly budget differs. What counts is what you choose to do with any money you can put aside.
Here's a checklist of what you could do now, depending on your age.
How to plan for retirement in your 20s: the sensible starters' decade
The 20s decade is the age of financial freedom. It's often when you enter a profession and encounter the power that comes with real earning (and paying) ability.
At this stage, retirement may feel a long way off. But the sooner you start saving, the better off you'll be.
What you could be doing in your 20s:
Start a financial action plan
Work out your monthly budget to know how much money you can save.
Ensure you're enrolled in your workplace pension scheme and benefit from your employer's matching contributions ('free money').
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Vathani Ariyam
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