
Global Business Women Organisation in Grantham

Global Business Women Organisation is a membership-based, business-oriented women's organisation.
Our mission is to bring together aspiring professionals and entrepreneurs who are seeking to grow and develop - at any level or stage of their career to network, support, market and share knowledge so we can all prosper in our different fields.
Global Business Women Organisation is a place for women of all ages, colours, sizes, qualifications, expertises etc. We are not industry or age specific.
We don't discriminate along the lines of age, race, religion, sexual preference or political affiliation.
We've got coaches, experts, physicians, veterinarians, attorneys, authors, financial gurus and many many more, and more in our midst. Some of us are mothers, wives and grandmothers.
We're unapologetically driven.
We're supportive of each other in a way you don't find in many places.
We're authentic and profit driven.
We're undeniably determined and goal-oriented.
And, we don't care so much what "they" think.
We're not "in business together" but make no mistake, we are a TEAM.
We think, live, act and do business very much outside the box. Join Us on
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Posted: 146 weeks ago
Ad ID: 37420617
Debrah Mowlem
Posting for 8+ years