Based in Luton our Individual live-in carers provided in support of the elderly is nationwide in Luton

Based in Luton our Individual live-in carers provided in support of the elderly is nationwide in Luton

A 1-1 individual live in carer service to the elderly. We provide a full time round the clock live-in carer to support the elderly. Nothing stuffy or pompous. Just a decent friendly willing to help either an individual or a couple to become your right-hand helper. Shopping, doctor appointments, off the cuff trips etc. Happy to be your chauffeur, taking you anywhere you wish to go. Could be to the pharmacists, revisit places of great memories from your youth. Popular is revisiting to where you got married, or the home where your partner was brought up. We often make these same journeys frequently as it creates a warm feeling of times gone-by. Read more
5 days ago
Ad ID: 40312233

john luton
Posting for 10+ years
- Phone verified
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