1 week ago
4 Albino Pleccos 2 males 2 females92 miles | Lytham St. AnnesDue to moving I need to rehome 4 adult breeding albino plecos- 2 males 2 females. I also have about 8 sterbai corys & 3 albino Corys and blue dwarf gourami. I have a 280 ltr tank that I may also sell (had for 2 years cost £700 but will sell for £350 with... More >>£30Featured ad
3 weeks ago
Two large Oscar fish .. tiger and albino96 miles | SheffieldI'm willing to swap my two gorgeous Oscars for two large geophagus or sevrums.. I have had the two top quality Oscars for just over 2 years from tiny size. I am letting them go because they are approximately 12 inches in size and getting too big for my aquarium. Collection... More >>£100Featured ad
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